The Pedagogic Play Curricular Overview

Pedagogic Play is organized into three curricular components: the written curriculum, the taught curriculum and the assessed curriculum.  The written curriculum is designed according to pretend play units, or make believe situations, in which children and educators engage in roles, create scenarios and props and develop narrative play scripts.  These units are organized by human development themes in order to explore basic needs that we all share and the multiple ways in which we meet these needs, which gives children the chance to make connections amongst one another and with people in distant lands. 

The taught curriculum is made up of two principle moments: joint play and reflective dialogue.  In moments of joint play, children depart from their own experiences in the world as they play together with each other and with educators.  In moments of reflective dialogue, children and educators explore meaningful concepts that lay the foundation for the pretend play and its equivalent real life activity. In both moments, educators embed learning objectives to amplify and expand children’s understanding of the Pedagogic Play unit. 

Learning objectives are evaluated throughout the Pedagogic Play unit to track how children are integrating what they are learning into the choices they are making in joint play and how they reason about their choices in moments of reflective dialogue.  Through observation and analysis, children’s development is monitored throughout the process of the unit and educators and children can reflect together in moments of guided feedback.  Overall, the assessed curriculum is formative and equips children with tools to reflect upon their actions so that they will learn to act with greater conscious awareness and intentionality in play and in their real lives.  

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The founder and primary contributor to Education for Contemporary Times is Sarah O. Weiler, long-time educator with a M.A. in Global Education from the University of Illinois and a M.A. in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Education at the prestigious Institute of Education at the University of London in the UK.
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