Become an Accredited School


  1. The framework must be backbone of all pedagogic units of study.
  2. The 5C Principles must be woven into the school culture:
    • Connect - The school must work with interdisciplinary projects related to real life activities.
    • Care - The school must cultivate concrete practices where empathy and compassion are developed, where students work in diverse groups and where students’ ethical growth is fully integrated into all pedagogic projects. 
    • Collaborate - Group work and shared decision making practices must be central to the pedagogic process and school culture generally. 
    • Critique - The school’s teaching and learning process must be dialogical, based on critically reflective analysis of multiple perspectives.
    • Create - The school must offer opportunities for students to innovatively interpret knowledge to bring their own projects to life, using knowledge as a means to and end and not an end in itself. 
Initial Accreditation
  1. Complete a self-assessment regarding the school in relation to Contemporary Education requirements.  To maintain accreditation, this will be completed annually. 
  2. Put together a digital portfolio exhibiting practices evidentiary of these requirements.  To maintain accreditation, this will be completed every three years. 
  3. Host a school visit for a Contemporary Education representative.  To maintain accreditation, this will occur every five years.
  1. Unlimited use of logo on school site and materials 
  2. Up to 12 hours of onsite professional development for school faculty 
  3. Unlimited online access to professional development resources for school faculty
  4. Up to 6 hours of online mentorship for school leaders 
For further information fill in a contact form at the bottom of the page.
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To transform education in order to move humanity forward to face the challenges of the 21st century, increasingly globalized world in a collaborative, creative, critical, connected and caring way.

The founder and primary contributor to Education for Contemporary Times is Sarah O. Weiler, long-time educator with a M.A. in Global Education from the University of Illinois and a M.A. in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Education at the prestigious Institute of Education at the University of London in the UK.
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